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"Goldfish" crackers

M is still young enough that he doesn't succumb to peer pressure, but it won't be long before seeing other kids snacking on Cheerios, goldfish crackers, and other staples of toddler-dom will start to cause issues. Since I don't want him to be tempted to cheat on his diet just to be part of the crowd, I've worked on finding keto alternatives to common kid foods. So thank you to M's excellent dietician for alerting us to the existence of a keto goldfish cracker recipe!

Image shows several yellow-orange crackers in a shallow blue bowl on a wooden table

I'm actually especially glad that she pointed it out to us, because the recipe was developed by Ketocuisine but they no longer post it on their website, and it took me ages to track it down hidden in a PDF on Google. Here it is here, in a much more easily discovered form. The recipe is a 3.5:1 ratio. If you use the Keto Diet Calculator, you can ask your dietician to add it and make calculating any additional required carbs a whole lot easier.


3g coconut flour

14g Kraft cheddar cheese (mild)

8g European butter

Garlic powder and salt to taste


Preheat oven to 350 deg F.

Weigh all ingredients and season with salt and garlic powder to taste. Combine in food processor (I use my stick blender's food processor attachment) until the mixture has a sand consistency. Pulse in 1/4 tsp of water and the dough will stick enough to be able to be rolled. (You really don't need any more water than this - don't be tempted to overdo it)

Chill dough in the freezer for about 5 min. I do this by putting it on a piece of wax or parchment paper and folding it over. When chilled, roll it out on the wax or parchment paper and cut out desired shape. There are goldfish-shaped cutters, but I am not quite that awesome and I just cut them into squares or rectangles.

Place the cut pieces onto parchment paper covered cookie sheet. It is important to separate them - if you are tempted to just score them with a knife after rolling them out, don't - the middle pieces won't crisp up at all. (I did this my first time making them) Bake at 350 deg F for 7-8 min or until edges are light brown and crispy.

There is a lot of moisture content in these, so here's a trick to getting them to crisp up: don't take them right out of the oven to cool. Instead, turn off the oven and leave the oven door open a crack, allowing them to cool for 20-30 minutes in the open oven.

These store well for a week or so in an airtight container. A typical snack for M at his 1.5:1 ratio is 12 grams of these crackers with 24 grams of blueberries - very similar to what we used to give him before the diet!

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