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Seizure Gadgets: Neebo heart rate and O2 saturation monitor

I came across the Neebo wearable recently and joined their mailing list to be alerted when they went to pre-orders, and just got the email today! This is the first wireless monitor I've found for heart rate and oxygen saturation that'll fit a kid longer than infancy, and I'm excited to give it a try for seizure alerting - our wearable temperature sensor is doing a great job for now but there have to be other detectable things happening to his body during seizures, and I'd like to monitor for them as well if and when his seizures progress beyond fever triggers. The (refundable if you change your mind) pre-order deposit is $99 and then an additional $120 when it ships, with no monthly fee for usage. You can get $10 off their limited pre-orders here.

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